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Extending our operations to places

UPS Virtual has various codeshares with other IFVARB approved virtual airlines. This gives our pilots the ability to not just fly aircraft they would not typically be able to fly under normal UPS Virtual operations but also gives them access to additional destinations and routes located around the world.


 Codeshares availability vary by rank and some will require pilots to be of a higher rank to fly and receive flight hours for those routes.

Our Codeshares

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© 2021 by UPSV. Not the UPS you're looking for? Click here to be redirected to the official UPS websiteUPS Virtual is a simulated, fictional creation intended for use by a special interest group within the Infinite Flight community and in no way represents the actions, opinions, or ideas of the real-world airline. Any and all logos, rights, intellectual property, and copyrighted materials associated with the UPS website, services, or brand belong to their respective owners. Creators of UPS Virtual intend for it to be used for fun simulation and have no interest in earning profits over the matter. After multiple attempts at contact with UPS, elements of the UPS brand that are contained within the Virtual Airline have not been used with expressed permission from representatives of UPS. 

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